Zika Vom Ragnar
SV HD/ED Normal/Normal, DM clear
Zika Vom Ragnar
SV HD/ED Normal/Normal, DM clear
Born: July/12/2018
Sire: VA1 Margman Yan, IPO1, kkl
Dam: SG1 Saly Vom Haus Milesevac, IPO1
SG1 2019 Contra Vom Ragnar, IPO2, KKL1
SV (Germany) HD/ED normal/normal. DM clear
SG1 2019 Contra Vom Ragnar, IPO2, KKL1
SV (Germany) HD/ED normal/normal. DM clear
Born: January/01/2017
Show result:
2019 USCA Sieger Show: SG1
2018 GSDCA Sieger Show: SG2 in the strong class females. 18-24 months old
2018 USCA North Central Regional Conformation Show: SG3 18-24 months old
2018 Midwest Regional Championship: SG2 Contra Vom Ragnar. 18-24 months old
2017 Midwest Regional Championship: 9-12 months females-VP1 (out of 9 females in the class, best in class!)
2017 Charlotte, MI: VP3
Sire: VA1 Tenno von Bellissimo IPO3
Dam: SG1 Venus Von Stefen Hof IPO1